Tuesday, September 30, 2008

computer related books i want

computer book 01
computer book 03
computer book 04
computer book 05
computer book 06
computer book 07
computer book 08
computer book 09
computer book 10
computer book 11
computer book 12
computer book 13
computer book 14
computer book 15
computer book 16
computer book 17
computer book 18
computer book 19
computer book 20
computer book 21
computer book 22

here's the list, prioritized:
01 http://www.amazon.com/Java-How-Program-Harvey-Deitel/dp/0132222205/ref=pd_ts_b_13?ie=UTF8&s=books
05 http://www.amazon.com/SCJP-Certified-Programmer-Java-310-065/dp/0071591060/ref=pd_ts_b_4?ie=UTF8&s=books

02 http://www.amazon.com/Troubleshooting-Oracle-Performance-Christian-Antognini/dp/1590599179/ref=sr_1_33?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222782623&sr=1-33

03 http://www.amazon.com/JBoss-Action-Configuring-Application-Server/dp/1933988029/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222781390&sr=1-2
21 http://www.amazon.com/Seam-Framework-Experience-Evolution-JBoss/dp/0137129394/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222781390&sr=1-1

04 http://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-JavaBeans-3-0-Bill-Burke/dp/059600978X/ref=pd_ts_b_16?ie=UTF8&s=books
11 http://www.amazon.com/Java-Concurrency-Practice-Brian-Goetz/dp/0321349601/ref=pd_ts_b_7?ie=UTF8&s=books
12 http://www.amazon.com/Java-Persistence-Hibernate-Christian-Bauer/dp/1932394885/ref=pd_ts_b_12?ie=UTF8&s=books
16 http://www.amazon.com/Harnessing-Hibernate-James-Elliott/dp/0596517726/ref=pd_ts_b_17?ie=UTF8&s=books
15 http://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Guide-Terracotta-Hibernate-Scalability/dp/1590599861/ref=sr_1_30?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222782623&sr=1-30

10 http://www.amazon.com/Next-Generation-Java-Testing-Advanced/dp/0321503104/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222781666&sr=1-1
17 http://www.amazon.com/Software-Testing-Quality-Assurance-Practice/dp/0471789119/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222781720&sr=1-12
20 http://www.amazon.com/Testing-Network-Integral-Approach-Activities/dp/3540785035/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222781720&sr=1-5
19 http://www.amazon.com/Pragmatic-Software-Testing-Effective-Professional/dp/0470127902/ref=pd_cp_b_1?pf_rd_p=413864201&pf_rd_s=center-41&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0471789119&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1T8G6D9XYKGT3AQQV2JN
18 http://www.amazon.com/Test-Driven-Acceptance-Java-Developers/dp/1932394850/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222782769&sr=1-1

06 http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Dojo-JavaScript-Experiences-Programmers/dp/1934356115/ref=pd_ts_b_32?ie=UTF8&s=books
14 http://www.amazon.com/JavaScript-Design-Patterns-Recipes-Problem-Solution/dp/159059908X/ref=pd_ts_b_25?ie=UTF8&s=books

07 http://www.amazon.com/Delivering-Using-Java-Enterprise-Platform/dp/0321492153/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222780604&sr=8-2
13 http://www.amazon.com/Dynamic-Application-Development-using-Java/dp/1844805417/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1222781390&sr=1-4
08 http://www.amazon.com/Head-First-Design-Patterns/dp/0596007124/ref=pd_rhf_f_i_cs_3

09 http://www.amazon.com/Maven-Definitive-Guide-Sonatype-Company/dp/0596517335/ref=pd_ts_b_5?ie=UTF8&s=books

Friday, September 26, 2008

were my children abducted by aliens last night?

ok, this is kind of spooky. yesterday i saw some interesting UFO videos and read this article about EBE's:
Our Government Sold Us to the Greys
last night at about 01:23 i woke up and my youngest son was crying
i got up and went to the boys' room.
when i walked in i saw something pretty weird/scary. i have 3 sons. the youngest was in his baby bed crying. he was laying on his stomach. his blanket was not covering him
the two older sons lay in beds parallel to each other. both were laying on their stomachs in the opposite of normal direction (their feet were on their pillow, both were laying with their heads towards the window). both of them had their arms at their side, their blankets were off them too and both their heads were turned to the left, and they were pretty much laying exactly in the middle of their beds, widthwise. it was creepy. i should have taken a picture, but i was just focused on taking up my one child who was crying. i put him in our bed and went back to the boys' room and got them up to take them to the bathroom so they could go pee and so i could have a look at them. they both seemed fine, but it was sure a weird scene. i have never seen anything like that in the 6 years they've been alive. i hope the thought of an alien abduction is just a thought and not a reality... nonetheless i think we'll buy a baby call to put in their room.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

wicked awesome gimp artistic plugins and effects

GIMP : scripts for photo effects
this is a must have for all gimp users interested in spicing up their pictures

Friday, September 19, 2008

People of Great Andamanese

People of Great Andamanese
an old almost nearly extinct language
very interesting

Sunday, September 14, 2008

0 pattern E pentatonic blues scale

is cool too =)

Kunsten at græde i kor

a pretty jacked up danish movie. i don't recommend it. normally i like danish movies, but not this one. in fact, this is the first danish movie i didn't like.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

skyteam st50-8 monkey bike helmet cam

i think the guy riding his bike downhill at the end was going twice as fast as i was =)

Friday, September 5, 2008

pay to downgrade! hilarious

Lenovo - Customize - ThinkPad T400 14.1" widescreen with integrated graphics - Components
Genuine Windows Vista Ultimate with Windows XP Professional Downgrade**** [add $137.25 $75.00]

Monday, September 1, 2008